Municipal Accommodation Guests Frequently Asked Questions
01. What is the amount of the Municipal Accommodation Tax?
The Municipal Accommodation Tax rate is TWO DOLLARS ($2.00) flat fee per night of
occupancy and must be applied to accommodations provided for a continuous period of 30
days or less.
Categories: Municipal Accommodation Guests02. How is it applied to the cost of renting transient accommodations?
The $2 flat fee per night of occupancy is applied to the cost of the accommodation of a
continuous period of 30 days of less.
Categories: Municipal Accommodation Guests03. Why do I have to pay this tax?
The Municipal Accommodation Tax is a mandatory tax imposed by the City Council
through By-law No. 2018104 - a By-law to impose Municipal Accommodation Tax on the
purchase of transient accommodation in the City of Niagara Falls.
Categories: Municipal Accommodation Guests04. Can I refuse to pay this tax?
No you cannot refuse to pay this tax. The Municipal Accommodation Tax is mandatory and
must be paid to the accommodation operator at the same time that you pay for the
Categories: Municipal Accommodation Guests05. Is HST charged on top of the Municipal Accommodation Tax?
Yes, HST is charged on top of the Municipal Accommodation Tax. The Municipal
Accommodation Tax is deemed part of the consideration for the supply of the transient
accommodation. The determination of which items are to be included in the base for HST is
covered under Section 154 of the Excise Tax Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. E-15).
Categories: Municipal Accommodation Guests06. Under what authority does the City of Niagara Falls charge/collect the Municipal Accommodation Tax?
City of Niagara Falls Bylaw No. 2018104 - A bylaw to impose Municipal Accommodation
Tax on the purchase of transient accommodation in the City of Niagara Falls.
Categories: Municipal Accommodation Guests07. What will the Municipal Accommodation Tax be used for?
The Municipal Accommodation Tax will be used to support tourism initiatives in the City of
Niagara Falls.
Categories: Municipal Accommodation Guests08. What if I have more questions?
If you need further assistance, e-mail us at [email protected] with any
Categories: Municipal Accommodation Guests